Fulfil Bars
1 product
Fulfil Nutrition's mission is to help people live and snack more healthily by offering snacks that make it easy and enjoyable to get your essential vitamins and nutrients. Fulfil, and their range of delicious bars was set up by ex-marketeers Tom Gannon and Niall McGrath along with the help of 'Masterchef' David Gillick.
Since its founding in January 2016, Fulfil Nutrition has experienced explosive growth. You can now find Fulfil bars in almost every convenience store and petrol station throughout Ireland. But you won't find better prices or a better range of Fulfil products than here at AOB Nutrition.
The best-selling Fulfil flavours are Salted Caramel, Chocolate Hazelnut Whip, Chocolate Peanut Butter and Peanut & Caramel
The latest Fulfil flavour is Chocolate Brownie
Life's Wonderfuel
At Fulfil, we asked ourselves, why can’t the snacks we love be both better for us and taste great? After all, nowadays the dream is to have it all. We want to feel good, look good, and be free. And that’s how it should be. In short, we want to have our cake and we want it to be good for us!
Fulfil doesn’t compromise either. We make chocolate bars packed with high protein, and less than 3g of sugar, which taste amazing! Talk about feeding the dream.
For the getup-and-goers, the dreamers, the explorers…
We offer everything from individual Fulfil Protein Bars to bulk-buy options such as a box of 15, two-box, three-box and four-box options. We also offer a range of other Fulfil items such as our exclusive gift boxes and water bottles.